Member-only story
The longest run-on sentence;
when it comes to punctuation and paragraph structure sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what needs to be put where; it’s like many pieces of a puzzle and it’s been something that I have slowly but surely been working on as much as I can with practice, research, insight, criticism and more, it can be overwhelming and exciting wrapped in anxiety and frustration; its a symphony of words with sparkles of inserted points and a dance of wordplay to describe ones specific topic of choice; hell, I’m not even sure if this sentence is making a bit of sense but let’s keep going for pizzazz, flare, and the point of the title because if I don’t, than I would fail at the task at hand which would ultimatley and perhaps happily end the torment thus far; ah well, the thoughts come and the sentences must forever go on with periodical splashes of punctuation, grammatical errors, and the most fucked up sentence on the internet; although I highly doubt its the “most fucked up”,(hey look quotation marks and parentheses within this side bar statement), which leads me to my next point within many points of this everlasting gobstopper of a sentence, how does one know when to use a parentheses, do you just plug it in and hope for the best, or do you use intuition when writing; I don’t know but I think I am going to stop this hilarity train now before it’s too late to get off and I forget any bit of knowledge I have learned so far with writing.
Thanks for reading…damn it I broke the sentence! *facepalms*