The Tarot Rabbit Hole

5 things to keep in mind when watching pick-a-card readings

Shereese N.
6 min readMar 2, 2022
Photo by Manik Roy on Unsplash

“Love and abundance are coming your way!”

“The universe has something amazing in store!”

A rapper wants to date you!

Ok, that last one was something I saw while scrolling and couldn’t stop laughing!

Have you ever found yourself down a tarot reading rabbit hole searching for answers, going from reading after reading hoping for clarity? Ever find yourself scratching your head, turned upside down, or questioning the direction of your life based on cards shuffled on a table? Yea, I’ve been there too, and guess who finally woke the fuck up?

You don’t need a sign, just have the courage to do what your heart is calling you to do.

Personally, I’ve officially had enough of hanging on to the words of these readings! It has been about a year and you know what has transpired from these “pick-a-cards”? A damn headache! Not knocking the trend but unless you know how to navigate the wide range of readers you will find yourself getting a ton of mixed messages, overthinking overloads, and an empty bottle of ibuprofen.

Yes, intuitive gifts do exist and these readings have some helpful and unhelpful advice. The one thing I will tell you is that no number of readings will take the place of your inner ping. Trusting your own intuition is the best and most personally gratifying way to go.

5 things to keep in mind

Anyway, if you truly need the occasional extended advice, here are 5 things to keep in mind when engaging in pick a card reading:

Know yourself first

One of the first things I believe one should be acquainted with is themselves. It took me a few google rabbit holes, meditations, digging through my past experiences, and side-eyes but what I ultimately realized is I needed to know more of myself before getting advice from others, in any fashion.

How can one seek advice about themselves and their direction if one has no clue of who they truly are? -A Unicorn Word

Taking the time to ask yourself questions such as, “what do I like?”, “what are my core beliefs?”, “what triggers me?”, and so forth will get you started on getting a better understanding of who you are. Don’t worry, this is a lifelong lesson so you have time to discover every inch but getting started with a few basic questions will at least give you an idea as to what resonates when listening to your favorite tarot readers.

If this journey has taught me anything, it’s to know my most unicorn self (inner self) in order to move forward.

Check out my video on how to become your most UNICORN YOU.

Know the vibe of the reader

Every reader has their own niche and vibe. Some are genuine while others…well let’s just say energies definitely speak for themselves.

When engaging with a pick-a-card reading be warned that the overall caption while captivating as it is can sometimes be misleading and also a YouTube trick in order to gain attention and following. Nothing wrong with working the algorithm from a Youtuber standpoint but for your own personal well-being and to get the best guidance this is where discernment and trusting your intuition comes into play.

Try not to overwhelm yourself with too many readers to start and scan a little bit. Try them out with general readings first, maybe ones that are geared towards your astrological sign or monthly readings. I have tried quirky topics like, “what fun things should you do today?” or “what messages do the fairies have for you?” These were initially for shits and giggles that inadvertently led me to follow some of my favorite readers today.

Scan the reader's playlist for resonating readings. Look for similarities that mesh with your personality and growth goals. If you are looking for an eclectic reader, one that is more free-going and down to earth then steer clear of those with formalities and boxed-in structures. If you are looking for polished and professional then focus on finding this type of energy. The goal is to get readings from those that speak to your core essence, those that can help enhance and indirectly get you to where you want to be.

Surrounding yourself with like-minded energy is helpful, this is why point number one is key.

Keep in mind it’s a collective reading

Pick-a-card readings are for mass viewing so keep in mind that every aspect of the reading may and most likely is not for you. This is why most readers stress “take what resonates, and leave the rest”. Trying to fit every point a reader says into your narrative will throw you off course and drive you mad. Trust me I know!

Use the readings as confirmation

Think about your life as of current or depending on if the reader mentions the past think about your life over a specific time period. Compare your life with the reading and ask yourself a few questions, “what happened during this time?”, “Did I go through any changes?”, “how were my emotions?”, etc. If a reader mentions for instance that “you may have recently gone through a major life change which is why your emotions may be all over the place” you may look back and say “yea, I did recently lose my job which caused me to stress about my household finances”. They may even add that if you apply yourself in another field you will find something bigger and better to help make the current situation more prosperous. This is where the reader is not only pointing out the possible cause but they are giving intuitive as well as encouraging advice. Your job, in this case, is to figure out what things you could try that may get you to where you need to be.

Personally, I feel a reader is there to guide you and not dictate your life or make it a showboat episode parade.

i.e. “OMG they’re stalking you and now they’re coming back to claim their love!” “They are so jealous of you and are trying to sabotage!”

Listen, to each their own but sometimes these readings seem more like a soap opera or a Netflix episode than self-growth and developmental guidance. I said what I said!

Take each reading with a grain of salt

Readings are not set in stone and no 2 readings are the same. Some similarities may arise but they usually differ overall. As we grow, learn, and shift so does our futures which are also not set in stone. How do I know this? Well, I don’t! This is the fun and sometimes frustrating part about life, we will never know what the future holds to every detail and as proven in science, “every action has a reaction”. No matter how small or massive what we do each and every day plays a factor in our future even if we are unaware. This is why when listening to a reading try not to take it to heart because at the end of the day “you are ultimately in control of your life, not some tarot reading on social media”- Roseology.

You are your best tarot reader!

While receiving tarot readings can be fun and synchronistic, ultimately you are your best tarot reader. That gut feeling or inner voice screaming at you is one of the best non-visual attributes to follow. This is not to say that things may or may not turn out the way you want but you hold the key to making the choices in your life. Whether with the aided guidance of a tarot reader or intuitive guide you have the final say in your direction. Take ownership of that, keep growing, expanding, and trusting in yourself and you will be just fine.

Thanks for Reading!



Shereese N.
Shereese N.

Written by Shereese N.

Alternative Lifestyle Writer " If I'm gonna think it, than I might as well say it!" 🗣

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