I love your transparency on this topic and I think this is something that spans across social media as a whole. I know this was the case for me on Instagram. I started a dolly page years ago simply because I loved dolls then it became about the numbers and why I wasn't growing. I've since let that page go and moved on to self growth (a more indepth reason as to why) I started my page in 2020 to help with self awareness and building a better me and as routine would have it I fell right back into the monotony of disappointment due to lack of growth. 🤔 this is definitely inspiring me to write something of my own on this topic. Anyway, this was definitely spot on and I believe we start out with personal passion and unfortunately lose site when we compare against the masses, which is why we sometimes fall down that trend setting rabbit hole. Definitely following as I love pure honesty!🦄