Dear Gawd that sounds like me!!! This article spoke volumes in a 7 minute blurb. I keep feeling guilty and not guilty for leaving a unemotional connected relationship. I feel everything while he just seemed disconnected or would display what I now believe as an acting phase of emotions. Of course my previous 2 therapists believed he had a sense of narcissism. I’m still trying to come to terms with that tormenting phrase.
However, from someone who feels every damn thing including other people’s pain I realized I could not get a fraction of emotional connection from him. He had a very condescending tone and demeanor about him and always found ways to mock and ridicule people for their differences. He displayed such a bullying mentality towards his son and his coworkers and I always felt small around him.
Anyway, I want to thank you for sharing your story as it has given me a little more peace knowing that I have done the right thing by leaving and cutting ties. It is also prompting me to write my own story as well.
Well done, stay strong and the right person that matches your beautiful soul will come along.