…but aren’t we all flawed?
Speaking on truth and living with a burden running heavy. Showing the world a beam that is not your own while trying to stay hidden to fix the flickering bulb you hold within. How does one juggle the masks of the two?
Intentions are of the greatest good but the agony of the hidden concaving the chest never subsides.
They look to you for guidance, for support. They look to you to be the leader in a world so seemingly grim and grows even darker by the day.
The weight of knowing you are not who they assume makes you weary. The whispers telling you to stay strong.
Battling between the correct way or the best way but not knowing which way. The struggle of being a human, a guru in the light, placed on a pedestal by those chanting with praise.
The lost only looking for answers, they cling on forgetting the human that they cheer.
They forget and turn to rage.
“Let he/she without sin cast the first stone”, something that constantly spins on a loop in my mind.
He lied, she lied, I lied, and the cycle goes on.
Who are we but humans with weaknesses, blemishes, and defects? Who are we to judge with closets full of regret? How does any of us get the title to be righteous and hold a scepter to cast judgment, punishment, slander, and invoke hate?
The words of a human were just that, the…words…of…a…human; imperfect and just like you also flawed.