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A Blender of 20 year olds
Midlife vs. Gen Z
One of the funniest things about being in my 40s is that I can understand the mentality of both the younger and older generations, but sometimes I find myself biting my tongue in order not to cause a hyperventilating cry fest amongst them. I can be pretty brutal with my tongue at times.
Anyway, I’m one who loves to enjoy the quiet of the morning before the world starts stirring. I normally make a cup of tea, maybe read, or take a walk. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I’m in a household full of 20-year-olds.
Don’t ask!
Moving on and from personal experience with my own 20-year-old spawn; my daughter, I find they are nocturnal beings. You can guess the clash I’m about to spill. I normally try to be as quiet in the morning as possible but you can only do so much when your bladder is screaming and you are ready to be a part of the sun like most normal humans. However, this particular morning — correction afternoon as it was 12 p.m. at this point — I chose to utilize the blender. Keep in mind 12 in the afternoon!
I wanted to utilize it at 7 a.m., but out of respect for the zombie nuggets, I chose to wait until they were awake. The first of them to rise was the male who went to take his hour-long shower while blasting his surround sound film fest in the bathroom…